Debbie in Africa

Thursday, August 10, 2006

And Now for Something Completely Different

An incredible example of Ghana culture - people who can afford it will sometimes arrange to be buried in an interesting coffin which represents something special to or about that person. Here is a coffin shop with some amazing examples of caskets and urns. Just imagine!!!

Coco Beach

Our last day in Ghana was spent at this lovely resort called Coco Beach. We enjoyed the day walking, buying last minute souvenirs from beach vendors, looking at the sights from the nearby fishing village and patting ourselves on the back for a job well done.

Ghana Night in Berekum

We had a wonderful night in Berekum with the Secondary School's cultural troupe. They were a delight to watch and dance with! There's no saying "no" when a dancer comes over and urges you on the floor so you just do your best!

The Team

This is the GNAT-CTF Ghana Project Overseas 2006 team. What a great group!

Scenes from Berekum

This is our last stop on our Project Overseas tour. The Berekum Training College had a lovely campus (not the barnyard that we remember from Wa) and we enjoyed ourselves very much in this last week.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Our Drivers

Here are the wonderful drivers who took such good care of us. Francis is proudly standing by his Landcruiser and Poku is having fun with the drum I bought for Fred at the Kumasi Cultural Market.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Carmen with one of the sculptures in the gardens of the Vision Hotel.

The Vision Hotel

This is where we stayed in Berekum. Not much of a "vision" to us after Gariba Lodge, but we managed. We had to figure out how the in-line water heaters worked, and how to get the AC working. The dim lighting we just had to get used to. Nice people, especially a young waiter named Martin.

This is how big the termite hills are. They are everywhere and amaze us each time we see one.